Baby giving the bird

Sperm Donor Family Limits (and Why They’re a Farce)

  *Names have been changed to protect the individuals’ privacy   Once Stephanie* had overcome the initial shock of becoming a new parent, she started investigating whether her donor-conceived child had any siblings ‘out there’. At which point, another round of shock kicked in. Stephanie discovered that her daughter has 37 half-siblings. The Importance of […]

Goldfish jumping to a better bowl

Using a Donor: 10 things I’d Do Differently Next Time

*  All names have been changed to protect the individuals’ privacy. When I found out my sperm donor had conceived children in the triple-figure range, I was asked repeatedly by friends, family, acquaintances, “If you had to do it all again, would you do anything differently?” At first, I didn’t really know how to answer […]

Healthy looking breakfast with yoghurt and fruit

Is Your Egg or Sperm Donor Healthy? 9 Things to Consider Before Choosing a Donor

Are you in the process of choosing a donor, or donors? Do you know whether the donor you’re considering is actually a healthy person? Is there a possibility that the person contributing 50% of your future child’s DNA is a heavy drinker, smoker, or even a fitness fanatic? And if so, why do any of […]